Thursday, July 9, 2009

Passion to Ride!

My colnago with baby blue hup colored tires.

As Lance once stated, it's not just about the bike? or is it? No it is definitely a state of mind. to be able to ride away from the etheral world but existing yet in the physical world is a priviledge. It something not found in every sport or workout. You surely cant find it in the gym, nor the noise of ball games(all types), but it is found in those types of exercise, where one strives to be the very best at that moment in time. You can find it in running, surfing, rock climbing, cycling(of course), and many others.

There is nothing "extreme" about it but more out of body, something....... dare I say, spiritualistic about it. It is existing, because you are there in that period of time, on the road, on the trail, in the water..... either way you are there physically. Yet there is a spirirtual essence about it, because your mind is free and coexisting on another level with your fears, your pains, your suffering that you are implementing on yourself and your body. Er find ourselves driving ourselves to the brink of utter exhaustion, and for what..... that extra one second off our time, for that extra mile, for that extra rock you climbed over up another sheer cliff: nay! It is for the love, the passion, the desire to excel past your limits: to push oneself further than you have ever done so before, to the near breaking point and sometimes beyond.

my girl Abby.

Of the thrill, the acomplishment of not the destination, but the limits that we pushed ourselves to. That little breaking down of our mental barriers that said it coulnd't be done, it cant be done, it will never be done!!!! Yet here you are before the executioners blade, wondering will i push myself or will i do limit myself and do what is comfortable. I reveal in the thought that each day we expend ourselves in an inner battle, but also an inner peace about us. for we are out with cars speeding by, animals looking on, passerbyers wondering what drives on when we could be much more comfortable relaxing in Air Condition cars or sitting in front of the sofa. I feel an almost pity for those that dont know the desire, the drive, the passion that puts us out there on a limb. I do hope everyone can experience this fuel that lights our fire, but some may never know, what their body can do beyond the control of the mind.

Only those that are willing to risk it all, take that chance at life and even love. They are willing to go that extra mile not for the sake of accomplishing, but for the sake of punishment so that we can brake down- Demolish the mental and physical barriers that we think bind us and hold us back form our true potential. I have loved and lost, tried and failed, started and blundered, rose and also fell, and also crashed and burned in many aspects. But I wake up every morning, take another breath, enjoy the time I have, push myself another moment, share my love with the ones that surround me, and then again do what must be done to still function. I do these tasks with vigor and yet no matter what happens, what comes around the corner, i can walk over to my bike and transform again, become one with the universe, become a spirit and rush through the wind, feel the water, taste the sweat, and revel in the pain that i know but one truth: Existence is what you make of it, so dont waste another day! Get out there and push it!

Cyclocross, Campagnolo, Lion of flanders and of course HUP united! What else do I need to say?!

1 comment:

  1. Nice write-up!

    I enjoyed the read. And yes, we've all "loved and lost" tried and failed, or tried and sometimes even won.

    We just...keep breathing. :)

    Cheers and I'm sure you're looking forward to a great cx season by now. Have a stellar season!
