Monday, December 21, 2009

Not Cold, Just Wet & Snow

Interesting Ride today. Wanted to go out. Its been a few days since the decent amount of snow we received (listen folks I lived in Watertown, NY for a few years-This is only dusting type snow!- they close schools around here if an ant that has dandruff has some fall to the ground). Well its only mild chilly(mid 30's- not too bad and not very windy. so i decide go for a ride, HHMMMM cross bike or road bike. Cross bike would be slow in many areas, but if roads arent that clear i'l be on ice skates with my road bike. Oh what the Hay! I take the road bike out, b/c its cleaner(still mud on cross wheels from last race-yeah I know its been a few weeks now). Well start out on main roads, not bad even a slight shoulder to ride on. Go onto some secondary roads, well getting a little more narrow roads now and no shoulder, with a couple areas of snow/slush across the road. still not too bad, go to Brennemen rd and then onto 114. not to bad, plow trucks took alot of divit strokes, grass and mud all over the side of the road?!?! head left at intersection and go up hill, still not too bad and onto Siddonsburg rd. Well the hills are a little treacherous going up and down, always looking for ice under snow hiding. My slick michelin lithions not doing too bad, besides kickin up lots of water and making my arse wet.

Well take a breather , grab a drink and enjoy the snowy view for few minutes. Pace much slower than usual, but safety first and then ride. All in all not bad till last 3 miles of route. hid snow and slush all over roads especially in last 1.5 mile. Was sliding all over the place, but kept upright and thankfully noone coming in either direction so I could ride in middle of the road. Ok I admit michelin lithions suck in snow, but still a fun ride and didnt freeze like rides last week with wind and high 20's/low 30's temps. winter is fun if you take the time to go out and enjoy it. Keep it safe all and keep on training. Sorry no pics to convey during this ride.


  1. Nice! Glad you stayed upright. I haven't been out since Reston, although I have been on the trainer a few times. I hope to get out on Sunday. Roads should be not too bad by then.

  2. Yeah I am trying to avoid the trainer yet. Been out at least 3-4 times a week yet. No frostbite yet, so all good. Well be careful on the trainer as to you, lots of hazaerds that can attack you, ie: pets, kids, spouse, furniture, and even ceiling fans if throw your arms up in a victory salute when you outsprint thor in your training mind. Its all fun and games till someone loses a finger. Ha take it easy, be safe, and happy holidays to you and your family. Peace out!
